The Story Of A 29 Year Old British Girl Who Moved To LA To Make Her Dreams Come True; Only To Move Home To Care For Her Mother Diagnosed With Brain Cancer. Day-To-Day Thoughts, Updates, Love And Laughs (yes, I'm still allowed to laugh...)

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  1. Just wanted to say hello and thanks for favoriting one of my tweets! :)

    Also you got another follower on Twitter.

  2. Hi Pauline, we also follow each other on twitter! I went through a similar experience to that which is facing you and your mother. Every day you spend with her and caring for her is worthwhile, no matter how hopeless it seems at times. Having you there is so important for her, so make every effort to stay, if possible x

    1. Hi Tembo, Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to comment. Everything you say is right I hope your story had a happy ending x

  3. Pauline, I follow you on twitter. I think your blog is great. Hang in there. Marschani

  4. Hi Pauline, I am glad I stumbled upon your blog. Can I ask what kind of brain tumor your mum has? My mom had a gioblastoma and we dealt with many of the same things you write about. My heart and prayers are with you and your mum.

    1. Thank you so much Meredith. For you to take the time to read this and tell me your story says a lot about you.
      You understand and have been there and it is crucial we share our stories to help others. You have already helped me, thank you xxx

  5. Hi Pauline, you're blog reminds me very much of my own experiences as a Carer for my Late Father, as well as the doubly emotive impacts watching my Late Mother debilitated by Arthritis - ultimately Osteoarthritis - and eventually being destroyed by a botched up 'non cancerous' Brain Tumour op which changed her completely and led to her death via other health problems caused by it culminating together. The impact of which destroyed my Father, a once stoic, independent man whose own hardships growing up (loosing his beloved Mother when she was a mere slip of a girl at 35 and he an ant of a child at 14) caught up with him...6 years after her death, he died too...Your outpouring of thoughts reminds me of what went through my mind and in some ways still does to this day...Anyhow, you have my email too...

    Stan x

    1. Hi Stan,
      Thank you SO much for telling me your story and reading mine. There aren't words to explain how we feel caring for our parents or the pain of losing them. I have your email and will write back to you over the weekend. Keep reading and stay in touch!


Feel free to leave me a note-much appreciated! x